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A Pro-Life Rant

My Life isn’t the result of an accident. God knew I would be here. He has always known it. He created me from biological components which He placed within my mother and father…and we can follow that in a backward trajectory to their parents…and backwards it goes. Because I believe this, I am thankful that my mother chose to carry me in her womb until I was born. With that in mind, I can say that every breath I take is a gift. I didn’t do anything to merit the gift. Every time a child is conceived, God is the “first mover” in the event. His desire is that every parent will love their child by offering that child the gift of life. Ok? Let’s say you want to buy a pair of suspenders for me because you know that I was a plumber for many years, and you discovered two suspender stores, both filled with every imaginable design. One of the stores is conveniently in your area so you logically choose it. But when you walk up to the glass entry door, you see a fundraiser poster to raise money for a charity called Britches for Poor Plumbers. The sly and devious plan is to buy over-sized Carhartt work pants for them and then solve the inevitable consequence of them looking like fools with their pants on the ground, then selling them stylish suspenders. You might then choose to drive the extra few miles to the other suspenders store because you don’t know, nor have you heard of any poor plumbers. I will get to my point. If you love tasty, thoughtfully-sourced, freshly roasted coffee and you share my views that life is a gift, from conception all the way to a natural death, why not spend your money on coffee that may not be around the convenient corner on your drive to work. Try (with four e’s in the spelling). We have delicious single-origin coffees you are sure to love. If you run out of coffee you like from us, try these other pro-life coffee roasters-seven weeks coffee, lifeboat coffee, north arrow coffee, and the holy roast. You can’t always buy products that support the things that are important to you. If you feel that way too, and you could share some of your finances to save unborn lives that are at risk, why wouldn't you? With your support, we can save more babies! I already have some suspenders, by the way.

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