What’s the Problem?

I resigned from my job last September. My primary reason is best understood with some explanation. I started roasting coffee professionally in 2006 as a supplemental career...evenings and weekends. In 2016, we decided to expand our focus from roasting some of the finest coffees in the world and educating the curious coffee lover about better coffee brewing to support pro-life initiatives. We wanted to continue to roast and educate customers but donate all our profits to local and national pro-life ministries. Last year, we totaled our donations and realized we hadn't made as big of an impact on the abortion industry as we wanted to! I resigned my primary job to invest more gray matter in growing the business. I needed the space to pray, plan and, frankly, to work through some of my personal shortcomings as they pertain to stewardship and business growth. We decided to invest some of our savings and some money from a generous person for 6-9 months in an effort to sell more coffee and save more babies.

I began with developing two to three weekly social media posts on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. We hired a marketing professional to target like-minded, pro-life coffee drinkers. And we continue to provide coffee for our new and long-term loyal customers. Folks can sign up for subscription coffee and receive our latest coffee news at our email link. We have loads of curious people visiting the CoffeeBabees website, but they don't buy the coffee. We need help. Our sales are profoundly dismal.

Here is an example: You are on a tight schedule and this morning you have to drive through a national chain coffee shop for your brew on the way to work. You might ignore the truth you know about the business, and the potential mountain of financial donations they send to pro-choice organizations because of convenience and routine. I get it. I certainly don't make qualified judgements on every item I purchase.

One of the opportunities for pro-lifers is to offer ultrasounds so a mother and father can see the child growing. Most often, an undecided mother will decide to carry the child to full term if they see the baby first. Our challenge is similar in that, we can't show you the babies whose lives are saved when you choose to buy pro-life coffee. Routines and convenience naturally take precedence. We are asking you to make a minor shift.

Slow down on the weekend to enjoy pro-life coffee. Share it with family and friends on special occasions and holidays. You will be helping us grow our small, veteran-owned business and save babies' lives.

What if you're a "pro-lifer" and a "coffee-hater"? We have a donation page on the website and we are thankful to have your coffee-hating help.

Are we naive to think there aren't enough pro-life coffee lovers to support us?

Do you think our coffee won't be as good as some of the other roasters who focus on coffee alone? We are eager to prove otherwise.

Do you have any ideas for us? Some of our competitors recommend we keep our pro-life stance to ourselves and just roast coffee. We aren't going to consider that. We are going to continue to focus...on saving babies AND roasting great coffee.


Birth Control Made Easy…


A Pro-Life Rant